Edit: A few more symbolic images (+ two above from the "leaked" ones, symbolic of her having 'no voice') of Rihanna I've been looking for an excuse to post (some images are from her photoshoots for various videos, covered at this post).

Posted on her 'shhh' tattoo a while back here here.

She's a "well-oiled"/sleek machine (kitten machine/robot).

These are very typical from Ellen Von Unwerth (eye covered constantly, animal-prints + other themes).

Rihanna in a pink tutu (+ flowers). Click for symbolic details on the below print advert for Gucci bags.

Note the fleur-de-lis belt 'bling' (checker pattern floor also).

Chris Brown with his chained animals below.

Rihanna, like the rest of the corporate kittens she has been dressed in Hello Kitty jewelry (ring and necklace; possibly the watch also), note she's holding a whip emphasizing the sex/bondage aspect (a huge theme in her concerts).

What's behind the mask?

Master Manipulators like the Walt Disney Corporation (and obviously their many fully aware 'agents' [Jay-Z for example] working in the entertainment industry actively involved in using slaves like Rihanna, Heath Ledger and other victims to perpetrate MK onto the masses through their music/movies) are responsible for every blow, bruise and break (black/white duality stripes also).

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