"It seems that someone has hacked into my computer," she Tweeted about the photos. "That's real foul and evil. Now stop acting like you haven't seen a t---y before."
The singer later took to her blogto further comment on the photo leak — posting at 4:57 a.m. — reiterating the fact that she thought whoever released the private photos is "evil."
The singer, 22, full name Cassandra Ventura, says that her PC was hacked. She even used her official Twitter page to discuss it. In her twitter updates, she says in plain Engrish that the general public who are blowing up her page should not act like they have never seen bubes before. She has a point.

At press time, a rep for Cassie had not responded to MTV News' multiple requests for comment.
Cassie is certainly not the first pop star in recent years who has had private, nude photos of her leaked to the Internet. "High School Musical" star Vanessa Hudgens also had a scandal back in 2007 when a nude photo was leaked.
Much like Cassie, Hudgens took responsibility for the photos, saying they were meant to be private and that "kids do stupid things sometimes." "It was something that was meant to be private," she said. "And even though it isn't anymore, I'd still like to keep it as private as I can."
Though I have seen one before I had a gander at her rack, and you know what, it’s the weirdest thing. Though she is naked from (at least) the waist up, there is nothing remotely sexual about the shots. I mean, the girl is gorgeous and I mean the kind of gorgeous where you feel you have been punched in the face, but still, her sitting on her bed trying to look all sexified just seems a little cold. Not even having both of her nips pierced helped the matter. Odd.
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