The total underdog, dark horse winner… Kris Allen wins the American Idol 2009 finale!!!!
We get an intro of the judges, with clips of Randy Jackson’s “for me… for you…” line; clips of Kara sweetening bad news; clips of Paula’s vocabulary; clips of Simon Cowell hard of hearing.
Kris Allen has made one of the biggest comebacks in television history! After 620 million votes, 19 weeks, 100,000 auditions, an extra judge and a bikini girl, Kris Allen is your new American Idol.
Although Adam was an early favorite with his huge vocals and in-your-face style and confidence, Kris Allen never gave up and came from obscurity in the early rounds to win it all.
Before the results were given,Ryan Seacrest tells us it’s the hottest ticket in town… then talks about how just under 100 million votes came in.
Adam and Kris highlighted their polar opposite styling in perfect fashion. Kris paired up with Keith Urban and gave us a radio-worthy version of “Kiss A Girl.” Even with Keith Urban on the stage with him, the song sounded like it should be on his album.
Adam gave us a bigger-than-life collaboration with Kiss, platform boots , space-shoulder pads and all. It was everything you want from Adam.
As one last gift to the Idol fans both guys joined together for what we have been waiting for all season … Adam singing with Queen, “We Are the Champions.” And surprisingly, Kris holding his own!
Highlights included Kara DioGuardi showing up Bikini Girl in a vocal duel and then adding salt to the wounds by stripping down to a bikini as an inside joke/charity bet among the judges and Ryan. The Top 13 had lots of face time with each Idol getting at least one feature spot – something my season did not get, oh well.
David Cook sings “Permanent” as a tribute to his brother who passed away. After the show, the performance will go on iTunes, with proceeds going to an organization that’s trying to find a cure for cancer.
Lame of all lameness - “Golden Idol Awards” to honor all the crappy singers in the competition. Nick Mitchell (”Norman Gentle”) wins male performance and performs.
Queen Latifah and Lil Rounds sing “Cue the Rain.”
Jason Mraz sings “I’m Yours” with the finalists.
A look back at Kris Allen’s American Idol journey.
Kris Allen sings “Kiss a Girl” with Keith Urban.
The finalist girls sing “Glamorous” and then Fergie takes the stage and sings “Big Girls Don’t Cry”… then Black Eyed Peas perform.
More Golden Idols for “Best Attitude” - bikini girl, natch. She sings “Vision of Love” with Kara. And then Kara does a quick bikini flash of her own for charity.
Allison Iraheta and Cyndi Lauper sing “Time After Time.”
A chat with Kris and Adam’s parents.
Danny Gokey sings “Hello,” then sings with Lionel Richie.
Ryan Seacrest talks about the American Idol tour and album.
Next a look at Adam Lambert’s journey. Then he sings “Beth” then sings “Detroit Rock City”/”Rock & Roll All Night” with KISS.
Carlos Santana plays and the Idol finalists sing a Santana medley.
Final Ford commercial… and then, surprise from David Cook! Kris and Adam get a Ford Fusion!!
Michael Sarver and Megan Joy sing with Steve Martin.
The boys sing “If You Want My Body” then sing with Rod Stewart.
More Golden Crap awards for outstanding female. Tatiana wins and is annoying, as per usual.
Final performance, Adam Lambert and Kris Allen duet - “We Are the Champions” with Queen and the rest of the Idols.
And… finally… the nationwide vote of nearly 100 million votes… the winner of American Idol 2009 is Kris Allen.
Bikini Girl returns to 'American Idol'
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