"Corporate Kittens" like Britney, Christina, are also portrayed in the movie War, INC. (portrays every thing like microchips, corporate control of the world, mind controlled secret agents etc., also all the standard symbolisms such as the main corporation's logo is a red square, the green zone" is called Emerald City in the movie confirming mind control symbolism too) which I'd like to synch this up to as it says outright (about Hillary Duff's character pictured below), "She's the Britney Spears of Central Asia." [Lebanon is not in central Asia but mehh, near enough]. As the CNN article states: "People in the Arab world have long followed with fascination and moral clucking the tales of businessmen and politicians cavorting with actresses, belly-dancers and singers -- a sort of Hollywood Babylon in the conservative Muslim Middle East." The elite are never conservative [they make the masses below them into sexually repressed, easily controlled/naive conservative zombies] in any nation on earth. watching the Republican National Convention is pure comedy [and also extremely scarey], "Conservatism" is always a smokescreen which allows their twisted perversions (many pedophlic, see Disney etc) to continue without limits. This is the same in the Middle East, in the West, in the East etc; Marilyn Monroe is probably the most famous example of a "Presidential Model" 'actress' who served as a prostitute for perverse members of elite families like JFK's etc. [those that are publicly shown to use prostitutes and such like JFK (see JFK - The Scandals Revealed) are THE LEAST perverted of the elite, such as Eliot Spitzer too. It's the one's we don't know about (or we do but they don't get reported in the media, i.e. The Bush's) that are committing horrific acts of twisted/perverse/depraved insanity.

Hillary Duff [another one of those Disnified (her first big thing was Lizzie Maguire on Disney) MK'd girls imo] playing an Arabic popstar in WAR INC.
It is also exposing strains between societies like Egypt's, where wealth and political power increasingly go hand in hand, and Dubai, which recently launched a high-profile push against corruption."
Corporations aren't just above the law; they are the law (they create and control it). Wealth and political power going hand in hand....?!?!? No shit! It's always been that way and always will until we revolt against the political/economic, hell the entire system and the established order. The New World Order's future (after all the dust has settled from the chaos) HQ seems to be in Dubia considering how much they've spent building colossal phallic skyscrapers and whatnot, such as this one.
In the movie, [massive spoiler here] Hillary Duff's character is kidnapped as a baby/child (I forget which), she is the daughter of the mind controlled agent (you don't know that for most of the film, you just think she is a girl who has been taken advantage of), and is then programmed by the corporate/intelligence overlords to be a pop star to make money from the sheeple (to distract them from the harsh war surrounding them too) and to service the political elite's perverse tendencies using her; which really reminds me of the Mouseketeers' (Britney, Xtina, Justin etc) programming and other mind controlled media monarchs. Hillary Duff is excellent in this by the way (her accent is quality). Recommend watching it, lots more symbolism in it and obviously it appeals to my views on corporations/"elites".
Here we see Yonica with a scorpion, which she removed from an octagonal cage thing.
Finish War, INC. with a checkerboard scene to show who is fundamentally behind these corporations/elites (Freemasons/other secret orders), Yonica get's excited which leads to her (unwitting, secret agent in the dark, not knowing it is actually his daughter) father to say, "See... she's just a kid." (emotional growth stunted by abuse/programming after she was kidnapped by the corporation when very young).
In terms of the actual killing of Suzanne, she was killed by a mind controlled security officer; I say this because of the fact it was a frenzied stabbing and the virtual (not quite I think) decapitation was done by a former Egyptian State Security Officer (intelligence agent, most are MK'd). But what intrigues me more is the fact that they could easily get away with killing her by some of the numerous methods they have of dispatching people in an "accident"... So perhaps they want to be caught out because it just seems insane that they'd make it so unsubtle, but who can really know their motivations.
"Beyond the corruption worries, the singer's killing highlighted the gap between Egypt's rich and the largely poor, conservative bulk of its nearly 80 million population. [gap between poor and rich is rising exponentially day by day across the world, revolution is the only option]
Rumors abound of businessmen and politicians peddling out actresses and singers in prostitution rings. The frequent marriages and divorces of celebrities and businessmen make big news.
The mix of sex, money, business and power is the mix that defines the ruling elite now," It's always defined the ruling elite my friend, quote from end of CNN article.
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